I take a lot of photos. Sometimes they’re exactly what I envisioned and planned. But most of the time, the butterfly effect takes over… I take a deep breath, observe the light bounce around the room, and let the people, fleeting emotions, timing, and relationships pull my lens in the direction it was meant to go.
Here are some of favorite wedding photos from 2023 & 2024 and the stories behind them.
Often an overlooked part of wedding galleries. It can be hard to photograph a moment filled with so much depth, these photos are often not given their full moment. I was asked before these speeches by the DJ on where to have the speakers be told to stand. I told him to let them stand wherever they naturally wanted to stand, all I knew was that right now, no one needed to be told where to stand, the day just needed keep flowing exactly how it was. Golden sun. Carefree. So. Much. Love. Little did I know the perfect diffused lighting I had a few minutes before this would rapidly turn to harsh direct sun. I thought fuck it, everyone is having a good time, I’ll just work on the fly, adjust my settings and see where it takes us. Sun landing on the beloved couple, I got lucky standing in the right place in the right time.
I don’t remember what was said, but I can sure as hell can still feel what was being said.

During the same speeches, I guess I was on a roll and somehow snuck my way to the front of the room. I think speakers were transitioning, who knows, but somehow I ended in the front of the room. The next speech starts, catching me off guard. I kneel down to get out of the way so guests could see.
It’s always funny how much your perspective can change crouching down 2 feet. I found myself observing the juxtaposition of outward tears against the touch and comfort of holding your lovers hand in private. The table divides but still perfectly frames, and emphasizes, both simultaneous moments with depth.
I think I will always love this photo.

The Post Ceremony High

Ceremonies, first looks, getting ready, hugs from family, speeches – I can’t lie, they always tug at my heart strings and put me in my feels.
But I have to be honest. Nothing beats the post ceremony high. All the planning, years of your relationship, the ups and downs of life, bad years, good years, growth, setbacks, it all somehow ended here. With your person. You just got freaking married. Nothing else matters right now. You just started this new chapter of life together. Minute one. Forever to go.
The golden sun & the pure joy just happened to bring this photo to golden harmony. There’s nothing I could have ever done to pose a photo like this. All I can do is be on my toes enough to capture the life changing instant.
White whiskers. Joints ache a little. Paws are calloused. Tummy full of treats. Everyone can see Jordy is getting old.
Why does time have to do that.
Newly engaged! Jordy of course had to be there, he’s been there since well… it’s felt like since forever. New jobs, life’s milestones, good days, bad days, putting the snow boots on for one last fetch in the cold just because he looked at you cute. Snuggles in the morning, snuggles in the night, a smile greeting you at the door at every arrival home. Jordy has been wagging his tail and smiling through it all.
The sun couldn’t have been more golden that day. The fall crisp air never felt so smooth. The treats to attempt to convince Jordy to sit and stay never tasted so good.
The newly engaged atmosphere filled the park.
I have to be honest, I did cry while editing these. I grew up with my own chocolate lab. She passed when I was in high school. As I age as a photographer, life and death often looks me dead in the eyes, forcing me to look back. I know one day Jordy won’t be here. No more snuggles. These photos will mean so much as time passes. Some days they might get hard to look at, but some days they’ll put the smile you needed on your face – reflecting on the good ole’ days.

How can you explain the feeling of thunder rumbling through everyone’s chest in the crowd as Ellie & Parker just turned to face each other at the altar.
How do you explain how the goosebumps felt that every loved one had during the ceremony.
How do you explain how it felt to hear the rumble of thunder in the distance, perfectly placed between each sentence the officiant spoke.
How do you explain how the first drops of rain felt when they hit your face during the first kiss.
You just can’t make this up. You can barely put it to words. The timing was too perfect. It felt like a movie. Everything felt right. It was right. It was divine.
Moments like this don’t happen often in life.
And they happen so fast, they feel like they’ve passed even before the moment’s over.
The photos just don’t do it justice.
You just had to be there.

A Sticky Situation

Cocktail hour, champagne glasses popping in every direction.
Sticky champagne stains litter the countertops.
It’s a celebration,
Even the bees heard the news.
Joining the celebration uninvited, he causes a distraction and stings a bridesmaid.
Yeah it stings a little, but it’s nothing a little water and baking soda can’t remedy.

“Honey Hold my Beer”
shoes off
bare feet on the grass
feeling each blade of grass
hold my dress, I’m putting my feet in the water right now
your nervous system forced to reset
waves crashing, wind against your face, the chilled Lake Superior water shoots chills up your body
you’re grounded & present
just the preparation that was needed right before your ceremony

Just. Married.
probably the cheapest decoration that was at the wedding.
cardboard box.
white paint.
just married.
we did it, lets fucking party.

psst.. psst..

psst.. psst..
I hear my name faintly and turn around,
“could you snap a photo of dad?”
I turn to see him sitting on the bench.
I always wonder what he was thinking about. Maybe it was about his son is all grown up or about him starting a new chapter of life with his wife. Maybe memories of raising him were flooding back.
He’s not a little boy anymore.
Dancing Queen
“Falling in love with you never really felt like falling at all, it felt like landing, softly and safely”
No DJ or lights needed to have a good time.
Dancing queen blaring from the beat up speaker, time stopped for a moment.
A patio, with cold air in their lungs, and everyone’s company was all that was needed.